Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Installation of SND USA Province Leadership

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The Sisters of Notre Dame reunited their four North American provinces on July 5, 2020, forming a new national province named Immaculate Conception Province.

The 500+ sisters nationwide have combined resources and personnel to focus on three broad ministry initiatives: the education and healthcare institutions founded by the sisters in each geographic area; ministries serving new needs of people on margins; and young adult and vocation ministries.

The SND USA Leadership Team includes Sister Margaret Mary Gorman, Provincial, from Chardon, OH; Sister Mary Shauna Bankemper, Assistant Provincial, from Covington, Kentucky; Sister Regina Marie Fisher, Council Member, from Toledo, Ohio; Sister Patricia Mary Garrahan, Council Member and Treasurer, from Chardon, Ohio; and Sister Mary Rebekah Kennedy, Council Member, from Thousand Oaks, California.

Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the Installation Mass was livestreamed from the Chardon provincial center chapel followed by the installation prayer service written by the General Government. Although they were unable to attend in person, Sister Mary Kristin pre-recorded a video message for the beginning of the service. The pre-recorded videos of the three provincial council members who could not be present were also broadcast during the ceremony.

In her address to the sisters, Sister Margaret said: “The picture of Mary that each sister has received portrays Mary standing at the threshold. The Annunciation is the Gospel for the feast of the Immaculate Conception, patronal feast of the United States and of our new province. The vibrant colors are full of life, and unlike most paintings of the Annunciation, Mary and the angel are not alone. They are surrounded by people engaged in the ordinary activities of daily life. It is an image of solidarity and connection. The people are part of Mary’s story and the angel of annunciation is part of theirs.”

“In the Gospel Mary crossed the threshold by saying yes, allowing God to act in the world in a new way. Let us cross the threshold together, trusting in God who makes all things new.”


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