Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Proposal Committee, Vision Statement Committee

161016_proposalsvisiongroup_02A committee was appointed to organize proposals submitted to the General Chapter. The members of this committee met in Rome from June 16 – 23 with Sister Victoria, our chapter facilitator, to go over all proposals and make sure they are properly prepared for the General Chapter. At the Chapter this committee presented the proposals and tracked them during the discussions.

Members of this committee are:
Sister Mary Ethel Parrott – Chairperson (Covington)
Sister Mary Alice (Patna)
Sister Marie Justina (Incheon)
Sister Mary Ann Culpert (Toledo)
Sister Maria Kharita Kuil (Jakarta)

161016_proposalsvisiongroup_06Another committee that has been working throughout the Chapter is the Vision Statement Committee. This committee listened with a discerning ear throughout the General Chapter and guided the capitulars in formulating a statement that captures the “thrust” of the Chapter giving the Congregation direction as it moves forward.

Members of this committee are the following sisters:
Sister Marla Monahan (Covington)
Sister Maria Paula Wessel (Coesfeld)
Sister Mary Tessy (Patna)
Sister Vania Maria dalla Vecchia (Canoas)
Sister Mary Sandhya (Bangalore)

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