Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Our Lady of the Visitation Province, Bangalore, India

Province Assembly 2017

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The long awaited day dawned with the sentiments of gratitude and expectation of the upcoming three grace-filled days of Province Assembly on December 27th to 30th.

Fr. Joseph Royan, a Redemptorist priest set the tone for the day by introducing the Assembly theme “New Wine in New Wineskin” during the Holy Mass. He was impressed that we selected this theme for the Province Assembly and asked us if we really thought about it well to face the Challenges &consequences hidden in it. He further said that we need to be open as the theme calls for new awakening by shedding the old for the love of Jesus. We need to have loyalty to live the consecrated life facing the challenges in living out the theme.

Sr. Sandhya was invited to address the gathering. Sister welcomed us with warm greetings. She said that we had gathered with a purpose and a goal. The theme “New Wine in New Wineskin” awakens us….Sister challenged us to have the courage & readiness to live the theme in our life & ministry.

Sr. Sujita, the facilitator, addressed the gathering by inviting us to focus our attention to the new wine…We need to ask God to find out what He is asking of us…maintain and communicate things with hope.

On the Second Day Fr. Prasad SDB, presented Relevance of Adaptations (Digital) in Religious Life Today (CYBER CRIME). He alerted us to be safe with the use of technology, software and internet. He concluded with Pope Francis quotes on the meaningful use of the communication and how the Church values the uses of the media. He further stated to build society which is healthy and open to sharing. We have to be professional in our thinking, dealings with others, by leading anexemplary life.

There were reports from Education, Socio/Pastoral, Health, NAET, Formation/On Going Formation, Vocation Promotion, Notre Dame Associates Program, JPIC, etc.Time was given foropen discussion and clarification. We were asked to focus ono concrete action plan for the coming two years. We were given ‘Format for preparing the Action Plan’.

Closing ceremony

The Provincial Team conducted a striking closing prayer ceremony during which all of us were invited to be seated with our community members. At the close of prayer service, Sr. Sandhya was requested to bless all of us with the Holy water and then Sister presented a candle lit from Paschal Candle to each superior of the community; and they in turn lit the candles of their community members. The Province Assembly successfully came to the conclusion with the sense of hope and promise. We praise God for “EVERYTHING THAT BEGINS WELL ENDS WELL”

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