Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Installation of the New Provincial Government, Canoas, Brazil

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In a beautiful ceremony held on January 5th, Sister Shirle Maria, (42) assumed her new ministry as Provincial Superior of Our Lady Aparecida Province, Canoas. Many Sisters from our Province as well as from the Passo Fundo Province, among them the Provincial Superior, Sister M. Dirce Slaviero, gathered at 10 a.m. to celebrate the solemn Mass and participate in the celebration.

The occasion also provided an opportunity for the sisters to express their deep gratitude to the leadership of the previous Provincial Administration who, in a spirit of service and joyful giving, collaborated with Sister Vania Maria who led the Province for the last nine years.

Sister Shirle Maria will be supported by the members of the new provincial administration; Sisters: Maria Luiza Morschel, Maria Amélia Guerra, Lucileide Maria da Silva, and Edinete Maria Tomasini. Sister Leoni Maria Krämer will serve as Provincial Secretary and Sister Marines Finger as Provincial Treasure.

On the 60th anniversary of the inauguration of Our Lady Aparecida Province, Sister Shirle Maria is the eighth sister to serve as Provincial Superior. We are grateful to Sister for her availability and wish her many blessing from the good God on her new ministry of service to the Congregation.

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