2022 Juniors’ Summer Gathering, Regina Pacis Province, South Korea

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From Aug. 4 to 10, we had a Juniors’ summer gathering in the provincial house with the theme “Cast the net the right side of the boat,” a phrase from the Gospel of John. The event took place centering around a lecture by Fr. Eusebius, OCD, entitled, “The importance of self-awareness and the ability to deal with loneliness as religious.”

The attendance of the sisters in preparation for their silver jubilee to this lecture made this time even more enriching.

We also enjoyed working together as a service for the community by rearranging the inside of the large refrigerator in the provincial house kitchen and cleaning the floor of Cana Hall.

During this gathering, there were unusually many more changes in the schedule than at any other time. We experienced that when we listen to one another’s opinions and respond to changes in the planned schedule with an open mind, God leads us to another good way. This experience perfectly matched our theme, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat.” Despite some agitation due to the recurrence of Covid 19, our good God guided us well till the end of the program.

We are really grateful to all the sisters who supported us with love and prayers for the gathering.