Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Nurturing a Culture of Care through Healing and Building Relationships

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The Social Action Ministry of the Province of Our Lady of Assumption, Patna, India, recently conducted a three-day seminar aimed at fostering a culture of care through healing and the cultivation of relational connections. The seminar was held at the newly established Provincial House from August 6th to August 8th, 2023. The seminar was facilitated by Sr. M. Jyotisha SND.

Seventeen sisters from various Social Action units of the province enthusiastically participated in the seminar. The attendees came from diverse backgrounds, each with unique experiences and perspectives, contributing to the richness of the discussions and interactions.

The Seminar Focus “The Courage RISE Model”. The centerpiece of the seminar was the exploration of the Courage RISE Model, a comprehensive framework for building relational cultures of practice popularized by the renowned spiritual teacher Richard Rohr. The Courage RISE Model is based on four essential components that collectively contribute to nurturing a culture of care:

Courage (Liberation, Care, Compassion): The concept of courage was deeply analyzed, emphasizing how it serves as a foundation for building meaningful relationships and fostering an atmosphere of care and compassion. The attendees delved into the significance of liberating themselves from emotional burdens, embracing care for themselves and others, and practicing compassion as a transformative force.


R for Reveal Truth: The importance of authentic communication and openness in relationships was highlighted. Participants explored the significance of revealing one’s true self and being receptive to the truths of others, thereby fostering an environment of trust and vulnerability.

I for Invest in Healing: Delving into the process of emotional and spiritual healing, this segment emphasized the value of investing time and effort in personal growth and healing. The sisters shared their experiences and strategies for overcoming emotional obstacles and nurturing personal well-being.

S for Sensing Alternatives: Encouraging innovative thinking and flexibility in relationships, this component stressed the exploration of alternative perspectives and solutions. The sisters engaged in activities that encouraged creative problem-solving and adaptive thinking.

E for Embodying Beloved Community: The ultimate goal of the model is to create a sense of belonging and community. Participants discussed strategies for embodying the concept of “beloved community,” where individuals feel valued, connected, and supported.

Spiritual Growth and Building God Consciousness: Throughout the seminar, the focus was on caring for the soul and cultivating a deep connection with the divine. Discussions centered on building God consciousness and understanding the interconnectedness of spirituality and relationships. Attendees explored ways to integrate spiritual practices into their daily lives, helping them remain rooted in their faith while engaging with the world around them.

Leading Communities from Unconsciousness to Consciousness: A critical aspect of the seminar was the exploration of leadership in the context of building relational cultures of practice. The sisters engaged in dialogues about leading communities from a state of unconsciousness to consciousness. They discussed how self-awareness, empathy, and intentional actions can guide individuals and communities toward greater awareness and sustainable development.

Seminar Impact and Outcomes: The impact and outcomes of the seminar were profound and far-reaching. The participating sisters shared an overwhelmingly positive response, describing the experience as a journey of healing and renewal. It provided them with fresh perspectives and invaluable tools, instilling a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to their ministry. Beyond practical strategies for cultivating meaningful relationships, the seminar also acted as a catalyst for personal transformation, empowering the sisters to embrace leadership roles that foster growth and healing within their communities. This transformative journey was marked by a deep inward exploration, a brave acknowledgment of vulnerability, and a courageous acceptance of past shortcomings. The sisters recognized that, despite their dedication to the people in their ministry, they had at times fallen short of being effective spiritual leaders. This newfound awareness illuminated a crucial gap, highlighting their need to transition from solely addressing the material needs of the community to also nurturing their spiritual well-being. The seminar served as a profound revelation, urging the sisters to look within themselves and to look forward with renewed purpose, offering them the vision and insight to bridge the gap and embark on a more holistic and sustainable path.

Prepared by Sr.Deepika SND

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