The Inauguration Our New Mission at Gossaigaon, Assam, India

This year, July 12, the birthday of St. Julie, had an added festivity for the Sisters of Notre Dame of the Patna Province: the blessing and inauguration of our newest affiliation in Assam.

Most Rev. Thomas Pullopillil, the Bishop of the Bongaigaon diocese, was the chief guest on the occasion. The immediate preparation was done by Srs. M. Nisha, Alma, and Ajita from the neighboring community of Gaonchulka. Sisters from all four North East communities were present for the opening ceremony. Srs. M. Tessy, Tripti, and Prabha were Patna representatives. Bishop Pulloppillil officiated at the opening ceremony along with Sr. M. Tessy. Sister cut the ribbon to symbolize the opening of the house, and the bishop together with five more priests from neighborhood parishes offered Holy Mass. A number of sisters and eighty to ninety lay people were present. The parish choir came to sing at the Mass. The celebration continued with an agape for all.

Gossaigaon is the fourth Notre Dame foundation in the state of Assam and the second one in the Diocese of Bongaigaon. Initially the house was intended for the use for those candidates interested in joining us from the North East. New opportunities for pastoral and educational ministry in the area are opening as well.

The whole province was united in spirit with the Sisters Mary Tessy, Nisha, Alma, and the sisters gathered at Gossaigaon to praise and thank the Good God for opening new doors for us in Assam.

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