Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Spirituality Renewal program in Germany

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Last Spirituality Renewal program in Germany began on the 18th August and concluded on the 8th September 2014. The privileged participants were Sisters Maria Yasinta, and Shinta from Philippines and Sisters Maria Robertin, Syaloma, Virgo, Nikolene, and Detta from Indonesia.  Sister Mary Sreeja facilitated the program with the able assistance of Sister Maria Kharita for Indonesian translation and Sister Maria Julindis who took care of all the small and big needs of the program. Sisters entered into the spirit of the program and participated wholeheartedly in both the workshop and the retreat.  The group ranging from 34- 77 years with various apostolic backgrounds and lived charism enriched one another.

After the workshop, we visited Munster and were awed by the cathedral and surroundings including a visit to our sisters in Munster.  A day with   our  Annenthal Sisters, visit to the Exhibition, walking the Way of the Cross, prayer at the foot of the Coesfeld Cross were moments of special grace.

 Weather was mostly favourable for Emmaus Walks. We had special visits by Sr.Maria Anneliese on the patronal feast of the province and surprised us with chocolates. Sisters Maria Almuth, Margret Koch, and Elke took time to be with us. The group was particularly impressed by the presence of Sisters Maria Georgi and Monica who through their simplicity and joyful spirit lived the charism in a visible and tangible way in Gerlever.

To mention a few in their own words, “the workshop offered more understanding and clarity on our charism and spirituality and how we engage ourselves in the context of our world today”.

“Have deeper appreciation of our Notre Dame Roots and feel proud of being a Notre Dame”.

“Retreat provided time for personal integration and inner healing”.

“Deep sense of gratitude for the content and process of the program”.

Sisters will facilitate three renewal programs for the members of the Province before the year ends.  Fortified by the spirit, they dare to incarnate the love of our good and provident God….. in Indonesia and Philippines and wherever the call of God  takes them…..

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