Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Stephen Ministers are Caregivers: God is the Cure Giver, Thousand Oaks, USA

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Caregivers in training.  Joan Fisher, Edna Murphy, Ken Merithew, Jim Ford, Joan Sparks

Last year, the sisters of Rosa Mystica Province embarked on a new out-reach entitled Stephen Ministry co-sponsored with St. Julie Billiart Church. The purpose is to provide a person who is experiencing a difficult time with the Christ-centered support of a trained Stephen minister.

Before they are commissioned, candidates receive 50 hours of training.  Lectures, videos, and outside reading address topics such as setting boundaries, listening and dealing with feelings and emotions.  Various educational techniques — role playing, prayer, and small group work– help the candidates acquire skills necessary to provide one-to-one confidential care.Men and women who become Stephen Ministers are drawn to the program for various reasons. Robyn Castillo had faced several challenges in her life and wished that there had been someone to journey with her.  “I felt that maybe I could do that for someone who was going through a crisis in their life and be there to help them through it.

Tom Ryan is presently walking with two individuals.  When asked what the program has meant for him personally, he responded: “The program, of course, is not about me.  It is about God and a person in crisis.  You can trust, however, that while serving as a Stephen Minister, it is not difficult to learn a good bit about humility, compassion and gratitude.” It is Christ caring for people through people. In the book of Acts 6, Stephen was chosen to provide caring ministry to those in need.Stephen Ministers are called to be compassionate, full of faith, trustworthy and skilled as the Compassion Compass pictured above regularly reminds all.

Sister Cristina Marie Buczkowski: Stephen Leader Sister Marie Paul Grech: Stephen Ministry, Core Team Member-New Candidate Training Coordinator Sister Antoinette Marie Moon: Stephen Ministry Core Team Member-Continuing Education Coordinator

Stephen Ministers are called to be compassionate, full of faith, trustworthy and skilled as the Compassion Compass pictured above regularly reminds all. It is Christ caring for people through people. In the book of Acts 6, Stephen was chosen to provide caring ministry to those in need.

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