Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Maria Rute

Sister Maria Rute                  ND 4874                    PDF Download

Adelina Christina Warken

Nossa Senhora Aparecida Province, Canoas, RS – Brazil

Date and Place of Birth:              February 08, 1932              Rolante, RS
Date and Place of Profession:    February 10, 1956               Passo Fundo, RS
Date and Place of Death:            September 19, 2020           Divine Providence Hospital, Porto Alegre
Date and Place of Burial:            September 20, 2020          Convent Cemetery, Canoas

“I may walk before God in the light of life.” Psalm 56:13

On September 19, Sister Maria Rute entered into eternal glory where she will enjoy the presence of the good and provident God whom she loved so much.  Adelina Christina Warken, born on February 8th, 1932, was the seventh of the eleven children of Leopoldo and Ottilia Anna Warken. She was brought up in a traditionally Catholic family, living on a farm, cultivating the soil, enjoying the freshness of the morning and the warmth of the sun, benefiting from the rain that irrigates the soil and causing the seed to germinate and produce fruit in its time.

At the age of 22, attentive to the Master’s call, she left home to work in the Lord’s field, following the example of her blood sister, Sister Maria Lourência (+11-15-1981). At investment she received the name, Sister Maria Rute. A few years later, two other young women from the Warken family joined the SNDs – Sister Maria Joselma (+ 09-02-2020) and Sister Maria Gloriema. In 2016, Sister Maria Rute joyfully celebrated her Diamond Jubilee, 60 years in the service of the Lord.

Her direct contact with nature made her a sensitive and receptive person. Sister was always happy and grateful for all that she received. She was a pleasant presence in community, being humble, simple, silent, and prayerful. In her old age, the chapel was her favorite place to be, absorbed in prayer. Praying the rosary and cultivating a devotion to Mary were also important parts of her life. Despite her little academic education, Sister participated actively in community meetings and shared her wisdom, especially regarding her Bible and Constitutions knowledge which she integrated into her life so well. Sister´s ministry was usually related to community service and, in her senior years, one of her joys was to be able to help in the kitchen, peeling vegetables and fruits. Availability and readiness were strong characteristics of hers, always being ready to help in whatever way possible.

In 2018, Sister joined the Recanto Aparecida Community. Her health was fragile, but compatible with her age. Sister Maria Rute, whose name means friend and companion, demonstrated these qualities in accompanying her blood sister, Sister Maria Joselma, in her illness and especially in the last days before her death. Faithfully, Sister remained beside the patient as a friend and companion. Missing her sister so much brought Sister Maria Rute great emotional stress, triggering a deep depression that she could not overcome, eventually leading her to death.

We miss Sister, especially her testimony of simplicity and fidelity to the Notre Dame charism, evidenced through simple daily tasks. In faith, the pain of her death will become joy for having one more intercessor in heaven with the good God.


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