Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

VIII Thousand Oaks Winter Games

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At this time and in this place many of us are focused on the XXIV Olympic Winter Games, taking place in Beijing. Simultaneously the Nun Run in Thousand Oaks, California was making a comeback to in-person competition following the live streaming event of last year. Since 2015 the Sisters of Notre Dame and many volunteers have sponsored the Nun Run for family, friends, neighbors, and health-minded individuals. This year the big event was held on Saturday, February 5, 2022. The Nun Run provides support for various outreach efforts of the sisters, associates, and friends who serve in volunteer ministries. These expenses also include technology resources for virtual retreats and spiritual direction, tutoring immigrant children in English, and religious education programs. This direct service, advocacy, and leadership touched the lives of those in need; homeless, victims of human trafficking, and immigrants seeking a better life.

The run brings together people of all ages and abilities. We encourage the whole community to get outdoors and engage in a healthy, family-friendly event. The Community Service Fair displays resources and ways for people to get even more engaged in the local community. Exhibitors included: Girl Scouts, the Knights of Columbus, the Autism Society of Ventura County, Many Mansions (a non-profit that provides affordable housing to low-income residents), and the “Meatless Mondays” international program to save the environment.

Participants come from all across Southern California. The Sisters of Notre Dame remain unwavering in their commitment to the local community. All children are provided with discounted registration in order to encourage them to participate. These children join us in achieving their fitness goals and supporting the local community and raising awareness for the charitable outreach of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Southern California and around the world.

In addition to the in-person attendees, our sister school in Uganda also held a Nun Run on the same weekend. Three hundred fifty sisters, staff, and students of St. Julie Primary Boarding School joined in the festivities from afar.

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