Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Farewell of the last three sisters from Nottuln (near Coesfeld)

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On June 22, 2022 our last three sisters, Sr. Anneliese Maria Behrens, Sr. M. Beatild Cordes, and Sr. Gisela Maria Demming, were given a ceremonial farewell from the Liebfrauenschule Nottuln, a co-educational middle school in episcopal sponsorship. A circle was completed because the foundation 95 years ago had also started with three sisters.
In addition to Sr. Josefa Maria Bergmann, the provincial superior, Sr. M. Bernhardis Thomann as former principal and Sr. M. Julindis Melis as a long-time colleague and advisory teacher from Kloster Annenthal, also took part in the celebration.
The celebration began with the Eucharistic Celebration. Fortunately, the Parish Dean, Norbert Caßens, was able to be tested free of Corona that same morning. At the end of the Holy Mass, the three sisters from Nottuln received their individual blessing as a strengthening for their departure. The deep connection the school had with our charism became obvious through a picture reflection on St. Julie, our Spiritual Mother, from whose spiritual roots the tree of our Congregation came forth.

This was followed by a small ceremony with three welcoming speeches. It was Impressive that the three speakers had all been shaped by the Sisters of Notre Dame. The mayor, Mr. Thönnes, had experienced that a young woman in his circle of friends entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame; the district administrator, a former student, thanked his teachers, Sr. Anneliese Maria and Sr. M. Julindis, for their patience. The principal had also attended the school of the Sisters of Notre Dame in his hometown Cloppenburg. By means of symbols, he referred to the deep connection of the school with our charism. For example, each student receives a plaque with the Coesfeld Cross with the sentence “How good is God.” Also, the motto on our homepage “… missioned to incarnate the love of our good and provident God” forms the beginning of the mission statement of the school.

In her closing remarks, Sr. Gisela Maria referred to the logo of “our” school: A butterfly with red heart-shaped wings protected by an umbrella finds its way along the winding way of life. “In the 90s, our sisters were able to accompany many such “butterflies” out into life. “ In memory of this, the sisters offered the school a butterfly tree, which shall be planted in autumn.

The ceremony was followed by a champagne reception with snacks, which offered the opportunity to meet and talk.

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