Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Renew the Face of the Earth – Cultivate a Culture of Encounter and Caring

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Sunday was a day of prayer and reflection on the Chapter Theme, “Renew the Face of the Earth – Cultivate a Culture of Encounter and Caring.” Sr. Patricia Murray, IBVM, gave the Keynote Address in the morning. Sister Pat is from Ireland and is a member of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto Sisters) and currently serves as the Executive Secretary of the UISG (International Union of Superiors General) in Rome. She has Masters and Doctoral degree in Theology with an emphasis in interculturality. She has served in leadership in her Congregation and was one of the founders of the “Solidarity for South Sudan” initiative through the UISG.

Sister Pat’s presentation invited us to reflect on the needs of our world and how we as Sisters of Notre Dame are called to be a part of the “saving mission to the crucified people of the world and to our crucified earth.” In her presentation, Sr. Pat stated that, “…from the acceptance of our own vulnerability comes the ability to create a culture of care for others. This is the heart of our charism of ‘providential care.’”

After Sr. Pat’s presentation, chapter members were given time for reflection and in the afternoon met in groups to participate in a process of listening to what surfaced in our individual reflections and prayer. Common ideas and themes were noted and later shared in a plenary session.

Small group facilitators and Chapter Steering Committee members meet in the evening to process the work of the day and plan for the next day.

* More pictures and Sr. Pat’s presentation can be found in the Reserved Section.

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