Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

What do you do at 102? Sr. Mary Francis, the Oldest SND in the USA

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What might you do if you lived to be 102?

If you were Sr. Mary Francis Dirr, the oldest member of SNDUSA, you might—

-enjoy ice cream every day;
-break into song at any time, still knowing the words and not bad on the melody;
-accept loving hugs from your sisters and the healthcare center’s devoted staff.

You could certainly reminisce about–

-enjoying parties, dates, and dances as a young woman;
-watching an older sibling enter the Sisters of Notre Dame in Covington;
-feeling vocational stirrings in your own soul;
-giving your heart totally to Jesus.

From your years as an educator, you could recollect–

-earning degrees and certificates as qualifications for skilled ministry;
-serving as an elementary teacher, administrator, and special education teacher in various schools;
-the special satisfaction of ministering to children with severe learning challenges and physical disabilities.

Finally, you would certainly dedicate your days to prayer, presence, and praise as you waited to join loved ones in heaven.

If you were Sister Mary Francis Dirr, that’s what you might do at 102.

And what did we do on January 9th when our sister reached 102?  Why, of course, we had a big ice cream party with lots of flavors and toppings, at which she was the happy guest of honor.

Sister Mary Francis, at 102, may you enjoy the love of your family, friends, and religious sisters who congratulate you on the length of your days.


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