Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Praise to the Lord for the 40 years of Notre Dame presence in Acre

Acre3a copyThe dream to care for God´s poor and suffering people in Acre became a reality over 40 years ago. God surprised us in strange and wonderful ways as the dream, nurtured by hope, became a reality.

In 1970, Henrique Rüth, Bishop of Acre, met Sisters M. Boaventura and Odete in the United States, and with insistence asked for Sisters to help in the evangelization of his Diocese.

Welcoming the call, the process began. The Province of Passo Fundo opened the new door to the State of Acre, to make known the Good News of the Gospel, according to our Charism. In 1971, on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, our 7 missionary Sisters, with Sister M. Odete, arrived in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre.

Following in Jesus’ footsteps, they learned of the needs of people, as Bishop Henrique had said, and their needs were many: health, education, catechesis, liturgy, human formation, formation of leadership…, hoping to restore the dignity of the human person. Living together among the people, the Sisters became increasingly aware of their many needs. The history of the mission is filled with the dedication, love, and self-emptying of the Sisters.

Today, as we celebrate the 40 years of ND presence, we are ever aware of the continued needs of the area in view of the historical changes. Today, 26 Sisters are serving the mission in 7 communities and continue “to witness to God´s goodness and provident care” for the people in Acre.

For sure we affirm: “God listened to the cry of his people…” Ex 3,7, and we, in the strength of the Spirit “… went to Evangelize” 1 Co 9,16.

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