Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

The General Visitation, Bangalore, India


At the dawn of December 28, 2013, the Provincial House Community welcomed with great joy and jubilation our esteemed guests and much loved Sister Mary Kristin and Sister Mary Sreeja. Since then the showers of blessings have been pouring over our Province with numerous graces. The Sisters who attended the General Visitation meetings gathered for the first day of the leadership seminar with much expectation and eagerness. Needless to say, the aftermath of the visitation has been blissful, energizing and life-giving.

The five days of leadership seminars, conferences, discussions, group sharing, brainstorming, the prayer services beginning each day and the integration at the close of each day have brought about tremendous transformation and transparency of Religious Life in general.

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