Group Work, Gratitude to our Translators

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Chapter members met in plenary session Sunday to hear each of the Chapter theme working groups present their work thus far. It was evident that groups were developing strong rationale, directives and recommendations for each theme area. Chapter members provided feedback to each group and additional revision work will continue on Monday.

With 4 different languages spoken by Chapter members, our translators serve an invaluable role in assisting with the work of the Chapter. We want to thank our translators for their work – Sister Maria Adelia and Sister Maria Lory Inês translating Portuguese, Sister Simone Petra Hanel, SSpS and Ms. Jennifer Neuhann translating German, Sister Marie MuYoung and Sister Marie Emma translating Korean, and Sister Maria Yolenta and Sr. Maria Magdalena translating Indonesian. Besides the simultaneous translation they are providing during the Chapter, each translator was responsible for translating all of the written reports and material submitted before the Chapter. Many thanks to each of our exceptional translators for their dedicated ministry among us!
Reflections from Chapter members:
As Provincial Superior of the Passo Fundo Province, Brazil, Sr. Maria Dirce is very happy to participate in her first Chapter. A particular joy for Sister was the visit to Namur, the foundation place of St. Julie’s Billiart’s community, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. “To visit Namur, and to pray for our Province and Congregation in front of the relics of St. Julie, to walk the streets where she lived was wonderful!”

Sr. M. Robertin is the JPIC Coordinator and local superior for her community in Indonesia. “I feel delighted and grateful to be involved in the dynamics of this general chapter. I am enriched through the encounter, sharing, and discussion, building sisterhood in diversity as an international congregation.”

Sr. Susan Maria Kusz, Associate Director of the Jesuit Retreat House in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA, was particularly touched by an observation that our celebrant made at Mass on Sunday. “Father said, ‘As I look at your faces and these beautiful flags of all your countries around the altar, I realize you are a sign of peace in our world so desperately in need of it.’ This Chapter is a profound experience of sisterhood for me.”