Visit to Vechta

October 8


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The Chapter delegates left the Kolping Buldungsstätte early on Saturday morning for Vechta. The two buses arrived at Kloster Marienhain around 10:00 a.m. and were greeted by the sisters of the Vechta Community. The sisters from Salus joined the group for coffee.

A brief tour of Salus followed before all went to Holy Spirit Church in Kloster Marienhain for Mass at 11:00 a.m. The liturgy was once again an international celebration in which all appreciated the music provided by Sister Maria Ursula. Everyone enjoyed the noon meal together.

An outdoor tour of the beautiful grounds and cemetery followed before leaving for a visit to Liebfrauenschule and St. George Church. It was a blessing to share this time with our sisters in Vechta and visit places of our congregational history.